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Dear Valued Partners,

Effective February 1st we are launching several DRC functionality enhancements that were derived as a direct result of Dealer feedback.

The key pieces of functionality are:

1.Remember User Name

  • Functionality has been added so that the user name is retained and does not require re-entry at each log on to the DRC

2.DRC system time out

  • Time out has been extended to 2 hours and will pop up a “session has expired” warning advising that the user has been logged out

3.Phase I Rate Exploder Enhancement:

  • Display promo code and amount of promo
  • Display customer information and vehicle information
  • Ability print the visible popup using a provided “Print button”
  • Print to 8 ½ x11 paper
  • Disclaimer added to state that printed rate card is not an official quotation and will be honored for time indicated

4.Historical Policy Search:

  • On the Dealer Policy page , the ability to search for all historical policies (within a Dealership) based on VIN and/or customer name (without requiring a date range)

5.Customer Search: (Calculation page)

  • As an enhancement to the “Remember Me” drop down there is now an ability to Search by Customer Name on the front calculation page

6.Customer Search: (Saved Quotes)

  • Ability to Search by Customer Name on Saved Quote page

As a reminder, from earlier communication this week the updated Welcome Letter/Introduction process will go into effect Feb 1st.

LGM Introduction Letter/Mail out option removal

  • Mail out option box will no longer be available for hard copy mailing of policy package and introduction letter.
  • Introduction letter will be printed as the first page of the policy package.

Please see the attached documentation that provides further details and visuals highlighting the changes for all of the above enhancements.

