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Dear Dealer Partner,

On Wednesday, August 24, we emailed you to announce the upcoming launch of the HUB – a new and improved point-of-sale system for your Financial Services Office. After thoughtful consideration, we have made an important decision to defer the original cutover date of September 12 to allow for additional time to review, reconcile and migrate all contract, quote, claims and financial data from the existing Digital Resource (DRC) system into the HUB – more work than we were able to anticipate.

Data integrity is important to us and we want to ensure your first experience using the HUB exceeds expectations, on all fronts. As we continue to work through the remaining DRC data, we’ll gain a clearer picture of when a revised launch date for the HUB can be expected. At that time, we’ll also share a link to the “sandbox” online practice environment where you can login with your existing DRC user ID and password, and try out the HUB system in advance of the new cutover date.

We’re committed to bringing the HUB to your dealership as soon as possible and will keep the lines of communication open leading up to the revised launch date. In the meantime, please reach out to your Dealer Development Manager or Customer Service ( with any questions or concerns.

Thank you for your cooperation.

LGM Financial Services