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It’s been just over a week since we officially launched our new point-of-sale system, the HUB. Given the magnitude of the system conversion from DRC to HUB, we’re pleased to see a relatively smooth first week in market with valuable user activity and feedback in our post-launch period.

Last Tuesday, Oct. 11 was our first full operational business day and we saw more purchases in the HUB than the same day in any recent year. We’ve also heard encouraging feedback from dealers including how much users like the HUB’s intuitiveness, the ability to do multi-product purchases, the improved VIN-decoder, and the generally clean look and feel of the application.

That being said, we have also experienced a range of reported issues – some related to standard system training, which improves with time (check out the HUB Resources in Sales Tools), and others as “bugs” or glitches in system function. This is typical of a major system upgrade and we are working diligently to resolve any bug reports coming in from dealers, as our priority.

As key system users, you play a critical role in bringing these software growing pains to our attention. We will continue to make platform updates every night as corrective action and we thank you for your patience as we focus on making the system the best it can be.

How to report an issue in the HUB:

If you need to report a problem in the HUB, please continue to contact LGM Customer Service directly by calling 1-800-510-8372 or emailing As a reminder, you can also contact us on Sundays from now until Nov. 6 at a special dedicated line: 1-877-430-3167. IT tickets are placed in a priority sequence and dealt with as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we roll-out the largest project in LGM’s history!