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We’re into the final stretch leading up to the Oct. 10 HUB launch and want to ensure your dealership is aware of what to expect over the weekend. Below is a detailed cutover timeline and instructions so you can schedule around the planned Digital Resource Centre (DRC) system outage starting Saturday evening, and prepare for HUB go-live on Monday.

PLEASE MAKE NOTE of the planned outage and go-live schedule:

  • Saturday, Oct. 8: DRC & Sales Tools go offline – unavailable starting at 20:00 hrs ET*
  • Sunday, Oct. 9: DRC & Sales Tools remain offline – unavailable all day for HUB system cutover and testing
  • Monday, Oct. 10: HUB & Sales Tools go live – expected to become available at approximately 12:00 hrs ET*

*email notifications will be sent to launch and conclude the system outage, along with updates at

Special instructions for all HUB users:

  • You will automatically be re-directed from the DRC log in screen to the HUB log in page when cutover to the new system completes on Monday
  • Log in to HUB using your existing DRC user ID and password – your user ID will not be saved by your browser when you are re-directed to the new login screen
  • All contract, quote and financial information from the DRC will be available to you in the new HUB system
  • Visit throughout the launch weekend for updates and extended LGM Customer Services hours

We expect to launch the new HUB system by 12noon (ET). If for any reason conversion is delayed, a revised outage schedule will be communicated via email. A confirmation email will also be sent as soon as the HUB is live and ready for use.

For dealers who are open over the long weekend, we thank you for your flexibility in scheduling around the HUB launch and look forward to hearing your feedback!

– LGM team