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New feature just launched: Customer Language Default Preference


A new feature is now available to you in the HUB to help further personalize your customer interactions and create excellent experiences.

This feature allows you to specify the customer’s language default (English or French), ensuring they receive their contract and communications in the language they prefer.

About the Language Default Preference feature:

  • Customer Details: A new ‘Language Default Preference’ field has been added to the customer details section in the HUB. The system will automatically default to the dealership’s language; however, if the customer’s preferred language differs from the dealership’s language, you will have the ability to select a different language (see an example of how this looks in the image below).
  • Secondary Contract Holder: The selected language will also be applied to the secondary contract holder.
  • Impacts: The selected language default preference will impact the language of:
    • The customer’s printed contracts.
    • Potential communications sent to the customer from the OEM and/or vendors.

Click here to view a screenshot of what the new feature looks like!

Enjoy this additional way to create excellent, personal experiences for your dealership customers.

If you have any questions or feedback on this new feature, please reach out to your local LGM Dealer Development Manager (DDM).