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On this site you will find everything you need to market and sell SecureDrive products.  From the latest product information, selling tools, to consumer brochures and administration / forms, you will find it here in one central location.

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Auto dealers joining forces to end distracted driving in Canada

Vancouver, BC—Dealers across the country are taking collective action this spring to eliminate a growing threat to their local communities: distracted driving. For more information on the campaign and to learn how to get involved, visit or follow LGM’s campaign coverage on Twitter: @LGMCanada Inattention while behind the wheel is a factor in approximately four million vehicle collisions in North America every year (CAA, 2016). For many in the automotive industry, the numbers have simply become […]

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HUB Update: Tuesday, Oct. 25

System Update Since the Oct. 10 launch date, we’re pleased to see that the majority of dealers have used the HUB in some way. It’s been great to see such significant user activity and we expect the number of unique users to grow substantially as we approach month-end. We’d also like to encourage any dealers who have not had the early opportunity to log-in, to do so sooner rather than later to ensure an optimal first-time experience. Nightly system […]

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HUB Update: Week one highlights

It’s been just over a week since we officially launched our new point-of-sale system, the HUB. Given the magnitude of the system conversion from DRC to HUB, we’re pleased to see a relatively smooth first week in market with valuable user activity and feedback in our post-launch period. Last Tuesday, Oct. 11 was our first full operational business day and we saw more purchases in the HUB than the same day in any recent year. We’ve also […]

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*IMPORTANT* HUB info in preparation for Oct. 10 launch

Dealers, We’re into the final stretch leading up to the Oct. 10 HUB launch and want to ensure your dealership is aware of what to expect over the weekend. Below is a detailed cutover timeline and instructions so you can schedule around the planned Digital Resource Centre (DRC) system outage starting Saturday evening, and prepare for HUB go-live on Monday. PLEASE MAKE NOTE of the planned outage and go-live schedule: Saturday, Oct. 8: DRC & Sales Tools […]

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UPDATE: HUB launch confirmed for October 10, demo site available

Dealers, We’re thrilled to announce a revised launch date for our new and improved point-of-sale system: HUB will go live on October 10, replacing the Digital Resource Centre (DRC) to support your financial services business needs. Many of you have already had an introduction to the HUB by your Dealer Development Manager, during an intro webinar, or through exploring the “sandbox” demo/practice site. If you haven’t already, you can log in to the HUB demo site now using […]

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